Become a Mustard Seed Sponsor

The Mustard Seeds Fund, founded in 2021, is the new name of the Sts. Peter and Paul Youth Ministry Memorial Scholarship program started by Julie Krug and Mario Luna at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in 2012.

The Mustard Seeds Fund, administered by the New Braunfels Community Foundation, allows us to continue our efforts to honor amazing young men and women from Sts. Peter and Paul Church, and help inform a long-term strategy for this very special vision that started with two community members, committed to honoring lost loved ones and the servant leadership of graduating seniors: “So that those who made a difference in their lifetime can continue to inspire future generations.”

The Memorial Scholarship Program has given $109,900 over 11 years to 257 servant leaders from the Sts. Peter and Paul Youth Community. We believe there is so much more ahead for this ministry, and these young people.

Many members of our community have helped grow this mission, and these scholarships and banquet have become a treasured tradition in our youth community. Traditionally donations to the Mustard Seed Fund are dedicated to scholarships, and most of the donors sponsor a scholarship in honor of a deceased loved one.

However, to fully fund the banquet, we need your help. We are soliciting Banquet Sponsorships with the following levels:

$100 Sponsorship – Your name in the program and listed on the Mustard Seeds donor page (Community Foundation Website)

$250 Sponsorship – Your name in the program, listed on the Mustard Seeds donor page, and a Table Tent.

$500 Sponsorship - Your name in the program, listed on the Mustard Seeds donor page, Table Tent, and listed on our video thank you loop that will play during dinner and at the end of the evening.

$1000 sponsorship - Your name in the program, listed on the Mustard Seeds donor page, Table Tent, video thank you loop, and recognition in our Church Bulletin.

Your contribution is completely tax deductible

We appreciate your consideration of support for the Memorial Scholarship Banquet. 

Checks can be mailed to: New Braunfels Community Foundation, 801 W. San Antonio St, NB 78130 and in the memo line write: Mustard Seeds Fund – banquet donation.  The deadline for sponsorship is April 1.